sexta-feira, 29 de abril de 2011



“Ricardo Rendón” 2011



El más destacado caricaturista Colombiano nacido en Rionegro - Antioquia (1894 - 1931), llamado " El Emperador" de la Caricatura.
Uno de los más perspicaces y finos humoristas latinoamericanos del siglo XX, en su obra el humor fue sátira, se caracterizó especialmente por la caricatura política.
Sus caricaturas eran verdaderas radiografías de los hechos y de los individuos. Fue pionero de la publicidad gráfica en Colombia.


Apoyado por la Administración Municipal de Rionegro durante diecisiete años consecutivos en homenaje a Ricardo Rendón Bravo.
El Festival, único en la historia del país por su trayectoria y continuidad; ha permitido mirar la percepción de autores de más de 85 países, protagonistas de los cambios y vivencias de los pueblos que con el mismo humor aportan al crecimiento de la humanidad.
El pensamiento risueño y su idioma universal, con la Caricatura logramos el sueño y el anhelo universal de borrar fronteras tanto territoriales como ideológicas que nos impiden vivir en armonía y visualizar la luz de la libertad como principio de paz y convivencia.

Las Condiciones :

1) El Concurso está abierto a todos los caricaturistas de el mundo.
2) El último día para la participación en el concurso es el día Martes 7 de Junio de 2011.
3) Los Temas del concurso son Tres:
1. ARTES VISUALES. ( Las Artes Visuales son formas, expresiones de arte
que se encuentran enfocadas preeminentemente a la creación de trabajos
que son visuales por naturaleza como ser).Dibujo, Pintura, Escultura,
Grabado, Fotografía, Instalaciones, Performance, Video y Diseño.
2. Personajes. Artistas FERNANDO BOTERO A. – ELADIO VELEZ
VELEZ ver biografías y Tema 3. LIBRE.
4) Cada participante puede presentar en el concurso un máximo de dos caricaturas por tema.
5) Se puede participar con caricaturas en blanco y negro o en color.
6) Las caricaturas enviadas han de tener como máximo una dimensión de 30 x 40 cms.
7) También se puede participar en el concurso con caricaturas que ya hayan sido publicadas o premiadas con anterioridad, todas las caricaturas presentadas deberán ser originales, no se aceptarán fotografías, fotocopias, etc, y el envío de las obras correrán por cuenta del participante.
8) Los participantes han de enviar un breve currículum vitae y una fotografía junto con sus obras.
9) En el reverso de cada caricatura debe ir el nombre, apellidos, dirección, número de teléfono y país de origen del participante.
10) Los Caricaturistas seleccionados recibirán un catálogo.
11) El jurado estará compuesto de caricaturistas Colombianos y extranjeros.
12) Los resultados se anunciarán en el mes de Julio de 2011.
13) Las caricaturas presentadas en el concurso no serán devueltas.
14) El hecho de llenar la solicitud de participación y entregarla, implica que los concursantes aceptan y autorizan a Cartoonrendon la publicación de su caricatura o sus caricaturas en medios impresos, representación y reproducción en aparatos de audio y/o video con todos los derechos, incluido el traspaso de estos derechos a los terceros sin limitación de tiempo, lugar y número de veces de su publicación; aparte de esto Cartoonrendon tendrá el derecho de exponer, archivar, publicar en Internet u otros posibles medios de publicaciones no mencionados aquí, dichas caricaturas sin ninguna limitación de ningún tipo. Con la entrega en sí de la solicitud de participación se considera delegados estos derechos a Cartoonrendon.
15) La organización se reserva el derecho de exhibir aquellas obras que entienda puedan atentar contra derechos individuales o colectivos.
16) La Participación en el concurso supone la aceptación íntegra y sin reservas de estas condiciones.

Los Premios :

1) Gran Premio Tema ARTES VISUALES 2000 Dólares
2) Premio Tema personaje “Fernando Botero” 500 Dólares
3) Premio Tema personaje “Eladio Velez” 500 Dólares
4) Premio Tema Libre 500 Dólares
5) Premios Especiales por diversas instituciones.

Dirección :

Los Trabajos deben enviarse a:
Palacio de la Cultura / Cr 50 # 48 - 05, Rionegro Antioquia COLOMBIA

IV Baja Cartoon Competition

The town of Baja – famous for its Fish Soup Contest ( – organises its fourth cartoon competition, and this second time it goes international!

Every fun loving amateur or professional cartoonist is welcome to enter the event.

Theme: Angler wife and hunter wife

Competition details:

1.) Participants can submit up to three original cartoons in A/4 or A/3 size, using any technique. Prints of cartoons produced or coloured with software can also be submitted on condition that it has the cartoonist’s original signature and the print’s serial number.

2.) The participants should write their name, address, phone number and e-mail address on the back of the cartoons.

3.) Deadline for entries: 20. June, 2011.

4.) Postal address for entries (please note the order!):

István Kelemen


Bajza J. u. 19.



5.) For information or enquiries about the competition contact:

Phone: +36 20 426 58 82


6.) Participants whose works are selected by the jury for the catalogue will receive a catalogue via post.

7.) First prize: 500 USD + certification – Courtesy of the mayor of Baja

Second prize: 300 USD + certification – Courtesy of Magyar Vadaszlap hunting magazine

Third prize: 300 USD + certification – Courtesy of Kedvenc crosswords magazine

Special award: 300 USD + certification – for the Hungaryan cartoonist – Courtesy of Pannon Presztizs magazine

+ 5 certification

8.) The time of jury for decision making: 24th June, 2011.

The decision of jury is irreversible.

9.) The opening ceremony and prize distribution will be at 17 a.m. 08. July, 2011.

Address: Bacska Kulturpalota (Bacska Culture Hall) – Szentharomsag ter, Baja, 6500, Hungary

10.) For the list and works of participants and for any other information visit:

11.) The organiser retains the right to use the cartoons freely.

12.) We do not send back the cartoons, we are planning to make an exhibition from them.

We wish good work and succesfull participation to everyone.



O objetivo aqui é evidenciar, promover e buscar o network entre desenhistas de humor, cartunistas, designers, grafiteiros e afins, através de concursos e galerias virtuais.
Já que os grandes jornais, editoras e salões de humor não conseguem promover novos ilustradores e cartunistas, este espaço funcionará como um constante Salão de Humor, onde, em datas comemorativas, serão promovidos concursos temáticos. havendo uma premiação simbólica virtual, com troféus criados
especialmente para cada concurso.
Os vencedores receberão os certificados dos concursos via e-mail e haverá uma galeria especial com informações e trabalhos dos premiados.
Os trabalhos referentes aos temas propostos nos concursos poderão ser desenvolvidos com qualquer técnica de ilustração, fotografados ou digitalizados e enviados para o seguinte e-mail:

Para o Dia dos Namorados, a proposta é a seguinte:

* Cada concorrente poderá enviar apenas um trabalho.
* Nesta edição só haverá a modalidade CARICATURA.
* Os concorrentes deverão mandar caricaturas de casais famosos: Jhon & Yoko, Batman & Robin, Tarcísio Meira e Glória Menezes e outros.
* Os trabalhos deverão ter as seguintes especificações:

Medidas: 21,0cm x 29,6cm
Resolução: 200dpi
Qualidade: J.P.G.

O prazo final para o envio dos trabalhos é:

10 de junho de 2011

Os troféus são virtuais apenas como imagem ilustrativa e para cada concurso será criado um, para figurar na galeria de premiados.
As imagens , tanto dos troféus quanto dos certificados serão enviadas aos vencedores em alta resolução para que os mesmos possam enquadrá-las como troféus reais.
No caso da imagem do troféu, a mesma poderá ser impressa pelo autor e aplicada em uma peça de acrílico, para compor uma galeria e o certificado, impresso e colocado em uma moldura de vidro ou material acrílico pelos vencedores.

Vale a pena ressaltar que muitos salões de humor, que recebem recursos para a elaboração de troféus e certificados, não o fazem. Aqui no SALAODEHUMORNOCOMPUTADOR não existem recursos financeiros para o pagamento de premiações, mas os certificados e os troféus podem existir.

* Serão atribuidas


16th International Festival of Cartoon ZAGREB 2011

Organizator 16. međunarodne izložbe karikature ZAGREB 2011 je Hrvatsko društvo karikaturista. Izložba je otvorena za sve autore, bez obzira na narodnost, dob, spol ili profesiju.

POROCI (alkohol, pušenje, preljub, kockanje...)

Radovi moraju zadovoljavati sljedeće uvjete:
1. Moraju biti originalni. Autor mora potpisati i numerirati karikaturu u slučaju da se radi o kompjuterskom ispisu. Kopije se ne primaju.
2. Radovi mogu biti crno bijeli ili u boji.
3. Na poleđini svakog rada ispisati ime, prezime i adresu.
4. Radovi nesmiju biti nagrađivanii na drugim festivalima.
5. Sudjelovati se može najviše s tri (3) rada.
6. Veličina rada može biti A4 ili A3.

Rok za dostavu radova je 02.05.2011. godine.


Prva nagrada 1.000 EUR
Druga nagrada 500 EUR
Treća nagrada 300 EUR
Pet posebnih priznanja

Izložba će biti postavljena u Galeriji Klovićevi dvori u Zagrebu 21.06.2011.

Svaki autor, čiji rad bude uvršten na izložbu dobit će katalog. Na poseban zahtjev autora originalni radovi se vraćaju na kraju izložbenog ciklusa (u drugoj polovici 2012.godine). Troškove povrata snosi organizator.
Sudjelovanjem na izložbi autori su suglasni da im se radovi mogu koristiti za promidžbu izložbe (katalog, plakat, publiciranje u medijima i sl.) bez naknade autoru.

Nagrađeni radovi ostaju u vlasništvu organizatora.

Prijavnicu možete skinuti klikom na ovaj link

The organizer of the 16th International festival of cartoon ZAGREB 2011 is the Croatian Cartoonist Association. The festival is opened for everyone regardless of nationality, age, sex, or profession.

VICES (alcohol, smoking, adultery, gambling ...)

Terms of entry:
1. Original works and digital artwork will be accepted. Digital artwork is to be numbered in pencil on the front and pencil signed. Copies cannot be admitted.
2. Entries can be either black and white or coloured.
3. There should be the name, the surname and the adress on the reverse side of cartoons.
4. The cartoons must not have been previously awarded on festivals.
5. Maximum 3 entries will be submitted.
6. Size of entries is A4 or A3 format.

Entry deadline is 2nd May 2011.


First Prize 1.000 EUR
Second Prize 500 EUR
Third Prize 300 EUR
Five Special mentions

The exhibition will take place in Klovićevi dvori Gallery in Zagreb on 21st June 2011.

Authors of the works that qualify to the exhibition will receive a copy of the exhibition cataloque.
Original works will be returned to the authors in the end of the exhibition cycle (in the second half of 2012) on explicit request only at the organizers expense.
The organizer keeps the right to reproduce the works sent to the festival, Zagreb 2011, as the advertising material without being obliged to pay a fee to an author whose work may be used.
The prize-winning works become property of the organizer.

Entry form download here

The 23 Rotary Cartoon Awards


The competition is designed to recognise the best of Australian and International cartoons with prizes totalling over $10,000. The Rotary Cartoon Awards are sponsored by the Rotary Club of Coffs Harbour City to raise funds for various Rotary charities and to promote cartooning through the Bunker Cartoon Gallery. All entries will be donated to the Rotary Club of Coffs Harbour City for exhibitions at the Bunker Cartoon Gallery and other galleries in Australia. They will become part of the Coffs Cartoon Collection. The cartoons may be exhibited and reproduced in a catalogue or similar, onto post cards and copied, at the Rotary Club's discretion, any time in the future, for sale through the Bunker Cartoon Gallery. The First and Merit winners in all categories also receive a medallion.

Open ONLY to Australian citizens or residents of Australia over 18 years of age
(The closing date for these entries is 31st May 2011.
The categories are:
Best Cartoon with a Political Theme 1st: $750 Merit: $250
Best Cartoon Open Theme 1st: $750 Merit: $250
Best Cartoon Sports Theme 1st: $750 Merit: $250
Best Cartoon: - "TYING THE KNOT" 1st: $750 Merit: $250
Best Comic Strip 1st: $750 Merit: $250
Best Caricature of a well known person 1st: $750 Merit: $250

Open to cartoonists worldwide, over 18 years of age.
Closing date for entries is 31st May 2011.)

This year there are two possible themes available; the cartoonist may choose either:
Prizes: 1st: $750 Merit: $250


One cartoon will be selected from all categories (National and International sections).
This prize which includes the category prize will be $3000 and a special Winner's Plaque.

You can email digital entries to:
Please scan and attach to your email, a signed and completed entry form.

The Award Presentation will be held on Saturday 23rd July 2011 at The Bunker Cartoon Gallery, Coffs Harbour. The Rotary Cartoon Awards 2011 are conducted in association with the Australia Cartoonists' Association and the Federation of Cartoonists Organisations.


Trasimeno Blues Cartoon Fest”

A Nicola Bucci “Bucnic” project
in collaboration with Trasimeno Blues Festival

“Trasimeno Blues Cartoon Fest”

International Competition of satirical design

  1. Trasimeno Blues Festival, presents its third edition of “Trasimeno Blues Cartoon Fest” - International competition of satirical design dedicated to Blues

  1. The theme of the competition: “Blues – To have the blue devils”

The artwork must be developed on a single table in the maximum size UNI A4 (cm. 21 x 29.7). Any kind of graphical technique will be accepted, including digital artworks if the prints are signed and if they are print number one.

Participation is for free, open to artists of any nationality.

The artwork must be original

The artwork must not have been published in the past.

For minors require a permission of a parent or his representative.

Each author may participate with one artwork. If sent more artworks the Guarantee Committee in its sole discretion, will choose the work that will participate in the contest.

The works must be sent by electronic mail by and regular mail.

The artworks will not be refunded and will remain property of the Organizing Committee.

Entries must be sent together with the registration form in full, duly completed and signed no later than May 15th 2011 at:

by e-mail at: (.jpg – 300 dpi)

and by regular mail at:
Nicola Bucci - “Trasimeno Blues Cartoon Fest “ – Via

Nino Taranto, 30 - Roma – Italia

  1. The artworks must indicate on the back: name, surname and address of the author. The artworks will not be refunded. The artworks will be published on the official web sites of the competition.

2. A Guarantee Committee - composed of professionals and representatives of the cultural world will select the 30 most significant artworks.
The 30 finalists artworks will be published on .
It will be online audiences to declare the winner of "Trasimeno Blues Cartoon Fest "
The public on line will be able to cast their vote untill July 25th 2011.
The Committee shall have the right to assign any awards and special mentions.

3. The artworks which make it to the final stage of the competition will be exhibited at “Palazzo della Corgna” - Città della Pieve from July 20th to July 31st and at “Ombre Rosse” Live Music Club of Rome from October 1st to November 15th 2011.

  1. Prizes:

Prize “Trasimeno Blues Cartoon Fest: prize will be an amount in cash equal to 300 euros .

In the event of a draw, the first prize will be divided between the winners.

  1. Every artist must justify the content of their own artwork. The works that the Artistic Director receives could be chosen for publication, distribution and any type of use . Artworks will remain property of the organizing committee. All the competition participants understand and agree to the terms of the competition stated implicitly here, and accept, without any compensation, the exhibition of their artworks in or more shows in the art exhibition. They also agreed to its publication in books, posters, bookmarks, t-shirts or cute hats, calendars or agendas and on all the information services. It will be obligatory for the name of the artist and the country of origin and of the name of Trasimeno Blues Caroon Fest to be included in every publication.

8. The Trasimeno Blues Festival while remaining fully committed to the care and protection of the works exhibited , does not take any responsibility for any theft, damage or loss that might occur involving these works from the moment they arrive till the close of the exhibition.

9. Participation in the event which is completely free, implies total acceptance of
these regulations. The Organising Committee has the right and the responsibility to give the final decision concerning controversial questions as well as on matters not explicitly provided for.

For further information:

Trasimeno Blues Cartoon Fest

Trasimeno Blues
Tel/Fax: +39075 828489
(mon/fry 10.00am-13.00am)

Application Form

To be attached to the works which must be delivered to:

“Trasimeno Blues Cartoon Fest” –

International competition of satirical design about Blues

Nicola Bucci – “Trasimeno Blues Cartoon Fest”
Via Nino Taranto n°.30

00125 Rome - Italy


BY AND NO LATER THAN May 15th 2011

Surname and name:__________________________________


C.a.p.__________________ City_________________________



E –mail______________________________
