quarta-feira, 24 de março de 2010

1º Salão Interplanetário de Humor da MAD e Brazilcartoon

Gosta de perder seu tempo desenhando, fazendo caricaturas e criando histórias em quadrinhos?

Então perca seu tempo participando do mais inacreditavelmente imbecil Salão de Humor de todos os tempos! Vamos abrir espaço para você mostrar suas ideias mais babacas e fazer um monte de desocupados desopilarem o fígado de tanto rir!!!

E, claro, vamos dar prêmios a altura das suas tolices mais infantis!!

Pra saber mais, clica nesse link abaixo!

1º Salão Interplanetário de Humor da MAD e Brazilcartoon


01- O 1º Salão Interplanetário MAD, está sendo organizado pela revista MAD brasileira e Brazilcartoon,
será realizado de acordo com a seguinte programação:

Inscrições: até 25 de abril de 2010
Premiação: 10 de maio de 2010


O Salão é aberto a todos os artistas gráficos de qualquer planeta deste sistema solar nas modalidades cartum, caricatura ou História em Quadrinhos. Cada participante poderá inscrever–se em quantas categorias desejar, sem limite de quantidade de trabalhos, de SUA PRÓPRIA AUTORIA E INÉDITOS, sujeitando-se os casos de não–observância dessas condições ao cancelamento da inscrição ou cassação de prêmios ou menções recebidas, sem prejuízo de outras sanções que caibam, inclusive penais.


CARTUM ENGRAÇADO: Desenho humorístico sem vínculo necessário com qualquer fato específico, mas que deve ser ENGRAÇADO. Por tanto, nada de cartuns depressivos analisando a situação mental do homem contemporâneo e os devaneios da sociedade.

CARICATURA TEMÁTICA: Mesclar grandes nomes da história, celebridades, políticos e etc com a figura do Alfred E. Neuman, assim como é feito nas capas da MAD.

HISTÓRIA EM QUADRINHOS (H.Q) ou SÉRIE DE TIRAS: Qualquer história seqüencial narrada em etapas/quadros.
O critério dos vencedores será o quanto é engraçado.


A inscrição é gratuita e poderá ser feita pela internet.

O artista poderá participar enviando seus trabalhos somente através do e-mail:


Formato A4 - JPG; 300 dpi; cores RGB; máximo de 2MB por e-mail.

Todos os trabalhos inscritos, serão submetidos a uma pré-seleção, e apenas os aprovados pelo Júri de Seleção concorrerão aos prêmios.

Todos os trabalhos inscritos poderão ter suas imagens reproduzidas, para fins de divulgação. E dependendo da qualidade podem ser publicados em uma edição da MAD falando sobre o prêmio.


09- Serão conferidos os prêmios:

1° Lugar troféu dente de ouro MAD + 2 revistas e camiseta Brazilcartoon

2° Lugar troféu dente de prata MAD + 2 revistas e camiseta Brazilcartoon

3° Lugar troféu dente de bronze MAD + 2 revistas e camiseta Brazilcartoon

Serão concedidas 2 Menções pra cada categoria.

A simples inscrição configura automática concordância do participante com todos os termos desse regulamento.

Mad e Brazilcartoon

segunda-feira, 22 de março de 2010


01- Regulamento


A Iª Mostra de Humor de Jaraguá do Sul tem como objetivo, estimular e divulgar a produção de novos humoristas gráficos residentes no Estado de Santa Catarina;
A Mostra é aberta para estudantes que cursem o ensino médio e superior no estado de Santa Catarina, além de estudantes de escolas de desenho do estado e dos workshops da própria Mostra;
Cada autor poderá inscrever um trabalho por categoria, produzido em qualquer técnica, inclusive os elaborados por computadores. Os trabalhos deverão ser enviados até a data do encerramento das inscrições, 21 de Abril de 2010, para o email humorjaraguadosul@gmail.com .
Ao se inscrever, o participante está ciente que é responsável pela veracidade dos seus dados e é o autor do trabalho enviado e concorda com as regras da Mostra.


Copa do Mundo:
Todos os aspectos deste grande evento podem ser abordados pelos artistas participantes, tais como o jogo em si (futebol), seus jogadores, os torcedores, os países participantes, a cobertura da imprensa, os políticos que eventualmente se envolvem ou aproveitam o evento, a caricatura dos jogadores e técnicos atuais ou ao longo da história, entre outras possibilidades.

Workshops: Inscrições de 15 a 26 de março de 2010;
Mostra: Os trabalhos devem ser enviados entre 15 de março e 21 de abril de 2010;
Abertura e Premiação da Mostra: 28 de abril de 2010, no Museu Emílio da Silva, na cidade de Jaraguá do Sul.

Cartum: desenhos de humor de caráter atemporal (sem vinculação com pessoas ou fatos determinados na História).
Charge: desenhos de humor de caráter temporal (com vinculação com pessoas ou fatos determinados na História)
Caricatura: representação humorística (geralmente exagerada) do rosto de pessoas ou personagens conhecidos.
História em Quadrinhos: imagens sequenciais que contam uma história ou idéia.

- Será aceito somente 1 (um) trabalho por categoria, podendo cada participante concorrer em quantas categorias quiser;
- Para cada trabalho (categoria) deve ser enviado um email.
Se o participante quiser participar de mais de uma categoria, deve enviar um email diferente para cada trabalho.
- Atenção: no campo “assunto” do email, escreva a categoria daquele trabalho e o título da obra.
Por exemplo, um trabalho de caricatura do Pelé, deve ter no campo assunto : “CARICATURA, Pelé”;
- Os trabalhos devem ser feitos em medida A4 ou A3;
- Serão aceitos trabalhos coloridos ou em preto e branco;
- Os trabalhos devem ser enviados para o email humorjaraguadosul@gmail.com em formatos RGB, JPG e resolução de 300 dpi, máximo de 3 MB, sem nenhum tipo de compactação (zip ou outros), até o dia 21 de abril de 2010;
- Na categoria História em Quadrinhos, serão aceitos trabalhos entre uma e duas páginas (enviadas no mesmo email), sendo Histórias em Quadrinhos uma história inteira ou sequência de tiras ou páginas do mesmo personagem ou tema;
- Os trabalhos escolhidos para a Mostra poderão fazer parte de um fanzine distribuído posteriormente pela Organização;
- Todos os trabalhos enviados serão julgados pela comissão.
- Esta escolherá um conjunto de obras que serão impressas e expostas desde a abertura da Mostra até o fim do período de exposição.
- A Exposição poderá ser itinerante na medida em que haja interesse de outras entidades.


A Mostra é aberta para estudantes, artistas e interessados em geral do estado de Santa Catarina. Assim contemplamos a participação dos vários talentos do desenho de Humor, desde que sejam Catarinenses ou que morem em Santa Catarina.

O participante deve enviar no campo “Assunto”:
- Categoria em que a obra concorre;
- Título da Obra.

Os dados abaixo devem ser enviados como texto no corpo do e-mail.
Título da obra:
Pseudônimo (se houver):
Fones (com prefixo da cidade):
Entidade Escolar: nome completo da entidade, endereço (cidade, UF, CEP), telefone e e-mail (quando houver).

A organização do Salão e a Prefeitura Municipal de Jaraguá do Sul não ficarão de posse dos direitos das imagens selecionadas ou premiadas, mas se reservam ao direito de colocá-las em exposição, divulgá-las ou publicá-las em sites, blogs, folhetos, fanzines, cartazes, matérias de jornais, revistas ou TVs ou quaisquer meios de publicação, desde que seja para divulgar ou documentar a Mostra e seu contexto, sem ônus ou pagamento aos autores que tiverem seus trabalhos expostos nesta situação;

Ao fazer a sua inscrição o participante estará concordando com todo o regulamento do concurso.

A organização da Iª Mostra de Humor de Jaraguá do Sul constituirá uma Comissão Seleção que indicará os trabalhos que integrarão a Mostra, assim como também será Comissão de Premiação;
A Comissão Julgadora será constituída por cinco membros de notória competência;
A presidente da Comissão Julgadora será a proponente do Projeto, Cristina Pretti;
A quantidade de trabalhos publicados no Fanzine pode ser diferente dos selecionados para a Mostra, não cabendo qualquer reclamação sobre o fato;
À Comissão Julgadora compete a atribuição dos prêmios e menções honrosas, assim como decisões sobre eventuais casos omissos no regulamento;
Caso o Júri de Premiação constate alguma espécie de fraude ou plágio em um ou mais trabalhos inscritos poderá cancelar o prêmio conferido. Os trabalhos serão divulgados no BLOG dois dias após o julgamento e poderão ser contestados até 10 dias depois da abertura da mostra, desde que com provas cabíveis;
As decisões da Comissão do Júri serão soberanas e irrecorríveis.


Abertura: 28 de abril de 2010

Museu Emílio da Silva, Av. Mal. Deodoro da Fonseca, 247, Praça Ângelo Piazera, no centro da cidade de Jaraguá do Sul – Fone: (47) 3371-8346;
Serão selecionados até 100 trabalhos para fazerem parte da Iª MOSTRA DE HUMOR DE JARAGUÁ DO SUL – Copa do Mundo;
A Impressão Digital será por conta dos Organizadores do Evento e serão impressas em papel couchê, fosco e com gramatura de 240 gramas.

Serão premiados em cada categoria:
1º LUGAR, no valor de R$ 450,00 (Quatrocentos e cinquenta reais);
2º LUGAR: Menção Honrosa.
O valor dos prêmios está sujeito aos impostos legais em vigor no momento da sua atribuição.
Outros prêmios e menções poderão ser instituídos a critério da Comissão Organizadora.
Trabalhos fora do regulamento ou considerados plágios serão automaticamente desclassificados.
Dúvidas e mais informações devem ser encaminhadas ao e-mail: humorjaraguadosul@gmail.com


Todos os participantes com trabalhos selecionados para este fim, ou seja, selecionados para o Fanzine, receberão dois exemplares do Fanzine da Mostra.
Serão impressos 1000 Fanzines, dos quais 700 serão distribuídos gratuitamente e 300 comercializados ao preço simbólico de R$5,00 num período de oito meses após o encerramento da Mostra de Humor de Jaraguá do Sul.

02- Ficha de Inscrição

Os dados abaixo devem ser enviados como texto no corpo do e-mail.
Título da obra:
Nome do autor:
Pseudônimo (se houver):
Fones (com prefixo da cidade):

Entidade Escolar
Nome completo:
Endereço (cidade, UF, CEP):
E-mail (quando houver):

quarta-feira, 17 de março de 2010

Eco Cartoon - 3° Salão Internacional Pátio Brasil de Humor Sobre Meio Ambiente

Click nas imagens para melhor visualização ou Eco Cartoon

Concurso Cartilha Ilustrada da Declaração das Nações Unidas sobre os Direitos dos Povos Indígenas:

Concurso Cartilha Ilustrada da Declaração das Nações Unidas sobre os Direitos dos Povos Indígenas:
O concurso visa promover a Declaração das Nações Unidas sobre os Direitos dos Povos Indígenas no âmbito do Projeto ‘Ava Marandu – Os Guarani Convidam’; e fomentar trabalhos que possam contribuir para o fortalecimento da cultura de respeito e valorização dos direitos dos povos indígenas.

Podem participar cidadãos brasileiros ou de nacionalidade dos demais países do Mercosul. Cada participante poderá inscrever um trabalho.

O ganhador será premiado com R$ 5.000,00 e a Cartilha vencedora será publicada com tiragem de 3 mil exemplares, que serão distribuídos em bibliotecas públicas, escolas e pontos de cultura, do Brasil e dos demais países do Mercosul.

Cada participante deverá obrigatoriamente apresentar proposta de Cartilha Ilustrada, obedecendo às seguintes características:

- texto integral da Declaração das Nações Unidas sobre os Direitos dos Povos Indígena – trilíngue (em português, espanhol e guarani) e com ilustrações;

- em até 48 páginas, mais capa;

- formato 15 cm x 21 cm (fechado) – sendo capa 4×0 cores em papel reciclado 230 g e miolo 1×1 cor em papel reciclado 150 g; acabamento da capa com laminação fosca.

Inscrições: por via postal, à Coordenação do Concurso Cartilha Ilustrada da Declaração das Nações Unidas sobre os Direitos dos Povos Indígenas, na sede do Pontão de Cultura Guaicuru.

– Endereço: Rua 13 de Maio, 727, bairro Santa Dorothéia, Campo Grande/MS, CEP 79004-423.

PRAZO: até dia 19 de abril.

Mais Informações:
- Site do Projeto ‘Ava Marandu’.
- Regulamente Concurso de Redação, Poesia, Quadrinhos e Desenho.
- Regulamento Concurso Cartilha Ilustrada.
- Ponto de Cultura Guaicuru.

Concurso de Redação, Poesia, Quadrinhos e Desenho:

Concurso de Redação, Poesia, Quadrinhos e Desenho:

- TEMA: ‘Cultura e Direitos Humanos dos Povos Guarani no Mato Grosso do Sul’.
- O concurso é aberto a alunos do Ensino Fundamental, Médio e Universitário, de todas as regiões do Brasil e dos demais países do Mercosul, matriculados em escolas e universidades no ano letivo de 2010.

- Inscrições: entregar na direção das instituição de ensino a ficha de inscrição e o material produzido. As instituições deverão enviar os trabalhos para a Coordenação do Concurso.
- O aluno deve indicar em qual categoria está concorrendo. Cada aluno poderá inscrever-se em apenas uma categoria.

- PRAZO: até dia 30 de março.

Mais Informações:
- Site do Projeto ‘Ava Marandu’.
- Regulamente Concurso de Redação, Poesia, Quadrinhos e Desenho.
- Regulamento Concurso Cartilha Ilustrada.
- Ponto de Cultura Guaicuru.

terça-feira, 16 de março de 2010

Resultado 9° Salão de Humor de Cerquilho

Resultado 9° Salão de Humor de Cerquilho:


1° Lugar e troféu HERMES TADEU e prêmio no valor de R$. 500,00 foi para o artista:

JOTA – A, José Antônio Costa de TERESINA- PIAUÍ;

2° Lugar e troféu HERMES TADEU e prêmio no valor de R$. 400,00 foi para o artista:

AMÂNCIO, Antônio Amâncio de Oliveira Filho de NATAL – RIO GRANDE DO NORTE;

3° Lugar e troféu HERMES TADEU e prêmio no valor de R$. 300,00 foi para o artista

MOISÉS, Moisés de Macedo Coutinho de MOGI GUAÇU – SÃO PAULO.


1° Lugar e troféu HERMES TADEU e prêmio no valor de R$. 500,00 foi para o artista:

TENÓRIO , Marlon Amorim Tenório do RIOD E JANEIRO - RJ;

2° Lugar e troféu HERMES TADEU e prêmio no valor de R$. 400,00 foi para o artista:


3° Lugar e troféu HERMES TADEU e prêmio no valor de R$. 300,00 foi para o artista

JOTA – A, José Antônio Costa de TERESINA- PIAUÍ.


1° Lugar e troféu HERMES TADEU e prêmio no valor de R$. 500,00 foi para o artista:

MANOHEAD, Fabrício Rodrigues Garcia de GAROPABA – SANTA CATARINA;

2° Lugar e troféu HERMES TADEU e prêmio no valor de R$. 400,00 foi para o artista:

CARRIERO, Fabiano Carriero Eiras de CAMPINAS - SP;

3° Lugar e troféu HERMES TADEU e prêmio no valor de R$. 300,00 foi para o artista

W.CALDANA – Wilson Caldana de CERQUILHO - SP.


1° Lugar e troféu HERMES TADEU e prêmio no valor de R$. 500,00 foi para o artista:

W.CALDANA – Wilson Caldana de CERQUILHO – SP;

2° Lugar e troféu HERMES TADEU e prêmio no valor de R$. 400,00 foi para o artista:

CELSO CAMARGO, Luis Celso Martins de Camargo de PIRACICABA - SP;

3° Lugar e troféu HERMES TADEU e prêmio no valor de R$. 300,00 foi para o artista

MOISÉS – Moisés de Macedo Coutinho de MOGI GUAÇU - SP.

quarta-feira, 10 de março de 2010

The 7th International Biennial of Caricature - Golden Smile 2010

The 7th International Biennial of Caricature - Golden Smile 2010 Cartoon theme
2. NIKOLA TESLA (click here)
Deadline: April 1st, 2010
The Golden Medal and 600 EUR
The Silver Medal and 400 EUR
The Bronze Medal and 300 EUR,
The "Tesla" prize and 300 EUR, and
The Award of the Weekly Magazine NIN for the best graphic print.
Number of Entries:
unlimited original works
Digital prints signed by the author, will also be accepted, preferably accompanied with a CD (jpg, 300 dpi)
max : A3, but format A4 is recommended

ULUPUDS ("The Golden Smile")
Terazije 26/II, 11000 Beograd, Serbia

please write DOCUMENT, NO VALUE on the envelope
Contact us:
Dijana Milasinovic Maric, curator




A- The organizer of the 15th International festival of cartoon ZAGREB 2010 is the Croatian Cartoonist Association. The festival is opened for everyone regardless of nationality, age, sex, or profession.


C. ENTRIESConditions of entry:1. Original works and digital artwork will be accepted. Digitalartwork is to be numbered in pencil on the front and pencilsigned. Copies cannot be admitted.2. Entries can be either black and white or coloured.3. There should be the name, the surname and the adress on thereverse side of cartoons.4. The cartoons must not have been previously awarded onfestivals.5. Maximum 3 entries will be submitted.6. Size of entries is A4 or A3 format.

Entry deadline is the 29th of April 2010.


First Prize 1.000 EUR
Second Prize 500 EUR
Third Prize 300 EUR
Five Special mentions

The exhibition will take place in Gallery Klovicevi dvori in Zagreb on the 16th of June 2010.

Authors of works that qualify to the exhibition are given a presentation copy of the exhibition cataloque. Only on explicit request will remaining (original) works be returned to the owners in the end of the exhibition cycle (in the second half of the year 2011), at the expense of the organizers.The organizer reserves the right to reproduce the works sent to the festival, Zagreb 2010, as the advertising material without being obliged to pay a fee to an author whose work may be used.The prize-winning works become property of the organizer.


1-Theme : From Cry to Laughing
2- thechnic:free
3-The number of sent cartoons is 3
4- The cartoons must be sent at the e-mail address:
and they must be of 300 dpi resolution,A4 size and JPG format.(Please do not send Zip or rar Format!)
5-Please attach in .doc format a brief presentationof your artistic activity (surname and first name, address,e-mail address, a photo and your CV)
first prize:golden medal of HOP CARTOON+ Trophy + Honorable Mention+CD-Catalogue
second prize:silver medal of HOP CARTOON+ Trophy + Honorable Mention+CD-Catalogue
third prize:bronze medal of HOP CARTOON+ Trophy + Honorable Mention+CD-Catalogue
- 8 Honorable Mentions+CD Catalogues.
7-The works will be displayed at HOP Cartoon website:http ://www.hopcartoon.com/
9-All profits from the festival benefit children orphans and children with canser will spend

the most important goal of this festival is held? The festival certainly other festivals globally will be different because the purpose of the artwork and ideas for their humanitarian assistance is in the world. This time we decided cartoons collected from children to benefit orphans and children with Use of cancer (but namely cartoonist) With cultural cartoonist to try to add laughter to their faces, perhaps tolerate them comfortable is Haram


director of hop cartoon




1. The contest is Open to all artists worldwide, cartoonists, caricaturists, painters, illustrators, etc.

2. Theme :
(1). Collection
(2). monument, Myth, Moon, Flying, Woman, Marriage, Wine, Fish, Football, Forest, Shopping, Festivals, Christmas Day, Hallowmas, Valentine's Day...
(3). Free

B. CARICATURE: Famous people
(Audrey Hepburn, Marilyn Monroe, Charlie Chaplin, Shirley Temple ?, Bruce Lee, Alfred Hitchcock, Akira Kurosawa, Zhang Yimou, Elvis Aron Presley, Michael Jackson, Luciano Pavarotti, Madonna, Pablo Picasso, Vincent Willem van Gogh, Leonardo Da Vinci, Salvador Dali,Ilya Yafimovich Repin, W. William Shakespeare?Voltaire, Victor Hugo, Hans Christian Andersen, Lu Xun, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Karl Marx, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, Confucius, Albert Einstein, Thomas Alva Edison, Maria Sklodowsk a-Curie, Alfred Bernhard Nobel, Isaac Newton, Mikolaj Kopernik, Stephen William Hawking, Napoléon Bonaparte, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Adolf Hitler, Vladimir Ilich Lenin, Sun Yat-sen, Michael Jordan, Maradona, Pele, Cristiano Ronaldo, Alan Greenspan, Bill Gates III,


3. Entries: unlimited

4. The size of the works should be unlimited.

5. The works whether they have been awarded in other contests previously will be accepted. Participators should summit the original works. Photographs, photocopies, etc... will not be accepted.

6. First name, Last name, Address, Email, Telephone number should be written on the revers. Accompanied by the author's entry-form and biography.

7. Technique and medium of works are unlimited. Traditional Chinese Painting, Oil painting, Print, Watercolor or Children's painting are all acceptable. Black and white or in colors.

8. Deadline for entries is July 7, 2010.

9. The works must be original. The authors should have full copyright and be responsible for all the legal responsibilities related to the productions copyright. The Foundation will not be responsible for any damage that may occur during postage and handling.

10. Prizes:
FIRST PRIZE: 4500 RMB + Medal + Catalogue
SECOND PRIZE: 2000 RMB + Medal + Catalogue
THIRD PRIZE: 1000 RMB + Medal + Catalogue
HONOURABLE PRIZE: Medal + Catalogue + Award

GRAND PRIZE: 3500 RMB + Medal + Catalogue
FIRST PRIZE: Medal + Catalogue+ Award
SECOND PRIZE: Medal + Catalogue+ Award
THIRD PRIZE: Medal + Catalogue+ Award
HONOURABLE PRIZE: Medal + Catalogue

PRIZE FOR BEST ANIMATION: 500 RMB + Medal + Catalogue
HONOURABLE PRIZE: Medal + Catalogue

11. Some of accepted works will be printed in a brochure, on posters, in the world press or other printed matter for the purpose of publicizing the exhibition. In these cases, any fee for the use of works will not be paid.

12. Remark: the works will not be returned

13. Participation in the contest means the complete acceptance of all the above conditions and agreements with jury's.

14. Address:
Room 341 Building #364 ,Jinqiaoshidai,
Yunjing East Road ,Tongzhou District,
Beijing 101121, CHNA


16th International Haifa Cartoon Contest and Exhibition 2010 - Israel

16th International Haifa Cartoon Contest and Exhibition 2010 - Israel This year Haifa Municipality and the "Pencom" - Association of Israeli Caricaturists are organizing the 16th International Cartoon Contest and Exhibition.
Cash prizes will be awarded as follows:
¦ 1st Prize: $500
¦ 2nd Prize: $300
¦ 3rd Prize: $200
Special Prizes and Honorable Mentions will be awarded to artists submitting the best cartoons.
The International Cartoon Contest comprises the main topic: “Healthy Soul in a Healthy Body”, Entertainment, Hobbies, Sports Activities, Emotional Balance.
Entry deadline: 21.7.2010
Our Address:
HAIFA MUNICIPALITY, P.O.B. 4811, HAIFA 31047, Israel
"Pencom" - Association of Israeli Caricaturists, P.O.B. 45598. Haifa 31454, Israel
1. The Contest is open to adult cartoonis ts from all over the world.
2. The number of cartoons sent by each participant is limited to five per category. (by post mail!)
3. The submitted works in all sections must be originals or digital copies (high resolution file – 300 dpi required), standard size being A4 (21 x 29.7 cm, 8 1/2 x 11 inches), using Indian ink, watercolor, pen or other graphic and painting techniques. (only two cartoons by email!)
4. Name and address should be written on the reverse side of each cartoon.
5. Entrants should pack their works securely and send them at their own expense to the International Cartoon Contest. Organizers are not responsible for damage caused during transportation.
6. By participating in this event, caricaturists agree that all cartoons submitted can be used in exhibitions throughout Israel and abroad.
7. Once the exhibition in Haifa closes, the original cartoons may be returned to the artist at his/her request (The organizers are not respons ible for loss of original cartoons).
8. An Exhibition Catalogue featuring the best cartoons will be published and will be sent to the best participating artist free of charge.
9. The organizing committee reserves the right to reproduce the cartoons for the promotion of the Contest.
10. The cartoons for the exhibition will be selected by a jury.
11. Note: Caricatures on political leaders should not be submitted to the Competition.
For further information please contact:
Ronit Eshet - coordinator of marketing, Haifa Municipality, P.O.B. 4811, Haifa, 31047, Israel, E-mail: ronitcartoon@gmail.com Mobile: 972-54-4913383
You can access our site at: http://www.haifa.muni.il/ by opening the "English site" link of the International Cartoon Exhibition.
Source: ecc

International Competition of Caricature and Cartoon - "Opera & Ballet"

International Competition of Caricature and Cartoon - "Opera & Ballet"

Association of Polish Cartoonists and Opera Fundation, in cooperation with Museum of Caricature in Warsaw, invites You to participation in The International Competition of Caricature and Cartoon "OPERA & BALLET"

Regulation of the Competition
Participation condition
All professional cartoonists

Opera and ballet (history, present time, famous artists etc)

Technical conditions
Works must be original and kind graphical technique will be accepted, including digital artwork if the prints are signed and if they are Print Number One. Prints digital artworks must be min. 300 dpi TIFF. Copies will be not accepted.

Number of caricatures or cartoons: Maximum 5

Size / File format:
Min 210 X 297 mm (DIN A 4)
Max 297 X 420 mm (DIN A 3)

The works should present on the reverse the following informat ions:
author's name and surname, post address, phone, mailing address, title of work. The author's CV, in English or Polish, should also be sent.

Deadline for works reception 30.03.2010.

The works should be sent to:
Stowarzyszenie Polskich Artystów Karykatury,
ul. Kozia 11, 00-070 Warszawa, Poland, with note: "OPERA & BALLET"

Prizes and jury:
The winners will be awarded the following prizes:
I - 1250 EURO
II - 1000 EURO
III - 750 EURO
and other mentions
All awarded and mentioned works will stay property of organizers competition. Jury will select works to the exhibition.

Exhibition will be opening in Polish National Opera House in Warsaw, in may 2010. After the exhibition in Warsaw will be other exhibition in Poland and other country and the works will be returned to their authors by end of 2011.

Catalo gue
All the artists whose are selected for the exhibition will receive a catalogue.
Any questions about this competition may be sent to organizers:
Superintendent - Jacek Frankowski: jacek@franek.com.pl
Artdirector - Witold Mysyrowicz: wmysyrowicz@aster.pl.

20th International Satire Exhibition Studio d'Arte Andromeda

20th International Satire Exhibition Studio d'Arte Andromeda 20th International Satire Exhibition "Trento between reality and madness" - Italy

Subject: Italian Land

On 2 August 1847 the Austrian chancellor Klemens von Metternich, wrote: "The word Italy is a geographical expression..."
After 13 years Italy became a State despite the skepticism of those who pretended to forget that the word "Italy" to the greatest artists of Europe meant more than just a geographical oddity, but represented civilisation, knowledge, culture, art and all the highest expressions produced by humans throughout history.
The most enlightened leaders of world culture, for centuries, considered the "Grand Tour", travelling in Italy, as an essential step in their education and training.
What remains today, after 150 years of that hope to merge the differen t souls present on the peninsula called Italy and the desire to make a single witness and continuation of the immensity of which we are custodians of gifts?
Our review of XX satire is devoted to a discussion on Italy, which for us is first of all, cultural identity, identity that we feel, every day, in danger of extinction.
We are dealing with a world that continually sacrificed in the name of globalising short term illusions, that wealth of knowledge built with slow wisdom from those who lived with the thought, turning to us, to the future.
To you, to your poetic, ironic, irreverent, bright, satiric ferocity, pick these signals, the thoughts and emotions related to the land of Italy and represent them in terms of your art and your land.

Authors may submit an unlimited number of works, Studio d'Arte Andromeda reserving the right to expose those, which, in its sole discretion, considers most adherents to the theme.
The works must be original, can be made with any technique, and must adhere strictly to the theme.
Maximum size allowed: A3.
The works must arrive at the Studio d'Arte Andromeda via Malpaga, 17 - 38122 Trento ITALY, before April 15th 2010.
The date of the inauguration will be notified in time to all participants.
The works will be returned on demand.
The Organisation Committee will keep the prize-winner and signal works.
The Studio reserves the right to print a catalog with the most significant works and the right to use the same access to information, news and documents about the exhibition.
The catalog will be delivered during the opening or sent on request with the works.
Studio d'Arte Andromeda don't answer of possible damaged or missing works, but maximum care of the delivered works is assured.

The contest has the following prizes:
1st Prize: € 1000,00
2nd Prize: € 700,00
3rd Prize: € 500,00

National Liberty Museum's 2010 "Caretoon" Contest - "Heroes of Character"

National Liberty Museum's 2010 "Caretoon" Contest - "Heroes of Character" What is a "Caretoon?
It is an original cartoon that reflects a positive theme. The theme for 2010 is "Heroes of Character"

Cartoonists should create original artwork expressing the core values that unite us all... friendship, tolerance, justice, faith and courage.- What values do YOU stand for?

Who is YOUR favorite "Hero of Character" - either historical or present-day?
What would make the world a better place?

Deadline for entries: April 25, 2010.
Winners only will be notified by May 25, 2010.

Who should enter?
The Caretoon Contest is open to anyone interested in participating.
All ages and levels of artistic ability are invited to submit an entry (ies).

Entries will be judged in two categories: Adults (age 18 or older) and Students (under age 18) Caretoons will be judged by a panel of professional cartoonists, educators, Museum staff and others. Entries will be judged on creativity, originality and message. All judges' decisions are final.

A $1000. prize will be awarded in each of the two categories.

How to create a Caretoon:
A Caretoon must be your original creation.
Caretoons featuring copyrighted or pre-desig ned clip art or other images are not acceptable.
You can create your Caretoon freehand or electronically.
Caretoons may be created in black & white or in color.
Caretoons must include a graphic; text is optional.
Each Caretoon must be presented on a separate 8.5 x 11 sheet of paper.
Caretoons may be any size provided they fit on an 8.5 x 11 sheet.

How to enter the contest:
There are no entry fees; no purchases of any kind are required.
Complete a Caretoon entry form available online at http://www.libertymuseum.org/award/doc/2010_caretoons.pdf.

Please submit no more than three Caretoons per person.
Print your name on each Caretoon exactly how it appears on your entry form.
If you are submitting your Caretooon(s) via email, attach your entry form and each Caretoon in jpeg format: must be 300 dpi; no larger than 8.5 x 11.

How to submit your entry:
Caretoons may be submitted by mail, in-person, or by email.

Mail to:
Caretoon Contest,
National Liberty Museum,
321 Chestnut St.,
Philadelphia, PA 19106

In Person: Bring your Caretoon & Entry Form to the Museum. Hours are 10am-5pm, Tuesday –Sunday. You will receive FREE admission if you bring an original Caretoon.
Note: Free admission does not apply to guided group tours.

Email: Caretoons@libertymuseum.org

Usage rights:
Caretoons will not be returned to their creator. The Museum reserves the right to display and/or publish any and all Caretoon entries. The creator will be credited for the work wherever his or her Caretoon appears. All entrants receive free membership to the National Liberty Museum and copies of any publication in which their Caretoon appears.NATIONAL LIBERTY MUSEUM is located in th e heart of America's historic shrines of liberty at 321 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, PA 19106
Ph: 215-925-2800
Fax: 215-925-3800




Competition rules:

1 st PRIZE OF 2500 PLN
2 nd x 2 PRIZE OF 150 0 PLN


(KARPIK 2010)

XII International Cartoon Contest Zielona Gora 2010

XII International Cartoon Contest Zielona Gora 2010


Announcement and publication of the Competition: Febuary 2010
Deadline for receiving works: 31st May 2010
Sitting of the Jury: June 2010
Announcement of the Jury decision , seminar and the opening of the post competition exhibition: September 2010

GRAND PRIX – PLN 4.000 and Statuette
1st PLACE – PLN 3.000 and Statuette
2nd PLACE – PLN 2.000 and Statuette
3rd PLACE – PLN 1.500 and Statuette

Sponsors’ prizes.
The Organizers have the right to the change in the amount of particular prizes, nonetheless, the total amount of prizes shal l remain unchanged.
THE JURY: The Jury comprises of the Organizers representatives as well as artist dealing with art in practice or as theoreticians.
Both professional and amateur cartoonists are eligible to take part in the competition.
Unlimited original works (format min. A5 – max. A3) in optional technique should be sent or delivered by May 31st, 2010 to the following address:

ul.Ptasia 2a/7, POLAND

The Organizers are not responsible for damage or loss during transportation!
The winners as well as cartoonists qualified to participate in the post-competition exhibiton shall be provided with a free copy of a catalogue published by the Organizers.
The Organizers provide the competition prize winners with free acccomodation and boarding during the exhibition event.
The winners receive their prizes on condition that they are eithe r present at the opening of the post competition exhibition or else they indicate a bank account where the money is to be transfered.
The works become the property of the Organizers and shall be included in the collection of the False Mirror gallery located in Lubuskie Stowarzyszenie Milosników Dzialan Kulturalnych DEBIUT in Zielona Gora.
Every participant in the competition agrees to their free of fees delivery of works to the False Mirror gallery.
Every work delivered to the competition ought to be accompanied (on the reverse) with the readable author’s signature, address and a telephone number.
By sending their works to the competition the participants agree to the abovementioned regulations and they further agree to the free of fees publication of their works for marketing purposes connected with the competition and post competition exhibition.
The exhibition organizers are the final judges in the interpretation of these regulations.
By s ending his/her works and taking part in the competition the artist agrees to the abovementioned rules and regulations.
WEB: http://www.debiut.org.pl/
E-mail: debiut-zg@o2.pl

13Th Graphic Humour International Festival

Talking about the 13Th Graphic Humour International Festival we can ask each other the reason why about an itinerant exposition, that as it is notorious need an huge organization effort.
The answer is easy: the itinerant exposition can reach a wider audience: infact every year the exposition is presented in 5 or 6 towns, while the one exposed in only one town will have an inferior number of audience.
Moreover the itinerant exposition can be shown in other countries, in other nations and also can be lent to other organizers in a global level.
Our association is a non profit making and in these crise period is much harder and tiring going on with our projects, considering that we can’t count on the same economic help as many other exposition.
But we always keep on going on, even facing some difficulties that often come against us, because we think that especially in th is period is necessary take a look at the situation with the humorist eye.

Tattoos and T-Shirts Borderline

1st Theme :
Tattoo art has really ancient origin, it was practised from Egyptian population. Tattoos signs has been found in 1991 in the man found under the ice in the Easter Alps between Italy and Austria. The Tattoo has been reintroduced in occidental society from adventure English men guided from Captain Cook after he came back to Tahiti in 1771.For this reason tattoe was linked to the sailormen and as between them there were people that boarded to escape from law also, it was linked to delinquency too.
In the 80’s,under the impulse of punk, heavy, rock cultures and other new tendencies young people start to get interested to tattoos

2nd Theme :
T-Shirt s/Magliette
The Hottest year period character, the T-shirt has become something much more than a clothing item. According to the researcher and writer Claudio Spuri, author of the essay “T-shirt stuff tattoos”, nowadays is a kind of a second skin.
T-shirt, as its name properly says, is the famous T shape shirt that with the passing of years became an universal clothing item.
Wonderful instrument for messages, ideas, philosophies and feelings communication, used from young people as from the adults. This simply indument is a mirror soul for those who wear it and it often become a real stuff tattoo that succeed in telling us, always and however, something more than his owner. T-shirt born in America in the early 40’s and became a part of the U.S.Navy uniform; it spreads itself in Europe during the 2nd World war. In 1950 Marlon Brando and James Dean wears it in their movies. Starting from the 60’s many rock bands start printing their logos on T-shirts. T- shirts printing, with the passing of years, became an economic way of communication to tell ideas, to advertise products and articles of all kinds until all this turned the T-shirt in a very popular article in dressing sector until it became a cult art product.

13th International Graphic-Itinerant Humor Festival
Opened to all the professional cartoonist. The works must be send accompanied by an author schedule
(name, address, country, photo or author's caricature)
Dimension : CM 20 x CM 30 - CM 30 x CM 40
Quantity : Maximum two paintings
1) The authors will have to POINT IN THE BACK of their paintings if they desire to participate inside the
competition or outside of it
2) Every author will be able to send no more than two works totally,one for each theme
3) The authors can send the original works at this address:

13Th Itinerant Graphic Humour Internat ional Festival
P.O.Box 52
00045 - Genzano di Roma
Italia - Italy

Otherwise they can send them by email ( smilefestival@libero.it / smilefestival2@yahoo.it ) in jpg format at 300 dpi
4) A jury formed by painters, journalists and field personalities will choose the finalist, and between them it will choose the five best drawings presented inside the competition and they will receive:
A) First prize "Humorist Cause "with the International Festival silver plate
B) Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth Prize the special plate “Humorist Cause ". The winners classification will be published after the last exposition of the "13th International Graphic-Itinerant Humor Festival edition 2010
5) The Festival direction will indicate the result on the festival website, entering the catalogue to download in Pdf format ( www.festivalhumourgrafico.eu )
6) The selected authors will receive one copy of the Festival catalogue at the end of the manifestation
7) Each author is in charge of his own works' content, included the copyright of the authors themselves for what concerns titles, images and texts.
8) The Festival doesn't take any responsibilities for any possible damages during the mailing of works and for the mailing of the "Humorist Cause "prize.
9) The Festival will reserve itself the right to expose the drawings and to publish them on the catalogues or in articles concerning the Festival.
10) At the end of the Festival the works won't be given back and they'll become part of the International
Graphic Humor Festival permanent museum archive and they could be used for further expositions in Italy and in other countries.
11) The Festival organization reserves the right not to display those works that may infringe collective or pers onal rights.
12) The Authors give the authorization to the International Itinerant Graphic Humour Festival to publish their works and to print them. The Festival reserve the right to exhibit, to store away, publish on the web and eventually in other publication shapes not mentiond here.
13) The participation to the event implies the total agree of the present regulation.

Expiry date: Saturday 30th APRIL 2010
The launch preview of the exposition: June 2010
Itinerant exposition: July - December 2010

E.MAIL : festival@virgilio.it Website : www.festivalhumorgrafico.eu

“Graphics, satire, and humor”

“Graphics, satire, and humor”

FASI, the Federation Association of Sardinians in Italy, invites all the cartoonists in the world to participate in the special edition of the contest “Graphics, satire, and humor” created to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the Unity of Italy.

The contest is open to all cartoonists, illustrators, and graphic designers around the world. You are also allowed to participate without competing. Such requests exempt the author from winning a prize, but makes it possible to still publish and/or display the author’s work

Foreign artists may express themselves on the following subjects: the fortunes of the ideals of the 20th century, on the condition of democracy achieved in their own country, on the respect observed towards human rights and peace, on the destiny of the concept of the State and national unity in times of globalization, or rather they can tell about t heir country’sperception of Italy.

The contest is divided into three categories:
A. Sardinia. This is dedicated to the artists that with any graphic technique, satire, caricature, or cartoon strip can bring to mind the actions and the Sardinian people that, originating from the kingdom of Sardinia, were creators of the kingdom of Italy and of the Italian Republic.
B. Lithography, Illustrations, web art, computer art
C. Caricature and Satire
It is permitted to submit an entry three each of the three categories.

The prizes
Prize “Sardinia”: 1st prize € 5.000 2nd prize € 1.500
Prize “Lithography, Illustrations, Web art” 1st prize € 5 ,000 2nd prize € 1.500
Prize “Caricature and Satire” 1st prize € 5,000 2nd prize € 1.500

Deadline: 30th of April, 2010 (based on the postmark)

Recognizing that the value of the manifestation depends on the quality of the work and on the professionalism of the participants, we will be very honoured if you would contribute your art towards the overall success of the manifestation.
We thank you for your time and attention.

Cordial salutations,
The Executive Administrator
Bruno Culeddu

All the works must be sent to the following address:
Ufficio Postale 018
Via Cavour, 71/A
Casella postale 18260
50129 Florence, Italy

For further information
www.fanofunny.com. -
e-mail: fasicentro@virgilio.it

4th International Zagreb Car Caricature

4th International Zagreb Car Caricature Honored Caricaturists (and all those who want to become one)
This years 4th International Zagreb car caricature exhibition 2010 marks the 112th anniversary of the car`s .rst appearance in Croatia. .e car was driven by Count Marko Bombelles to his home in Vinica near Varaždin.Since those early days, in all its guises, the car has becomean essential part of everyday life. “His Majesty”, the car, has become so necessary for work and play that it is di.cult to imagine any activity which does not involve the use of an automobile. From basic functions such as travelling to and from work, to every other type of economic, sport, cultural, political, recreational, tourist, health, military, police or “romantic” pursuit. It is omnipresent, ever desirable and IRREPLACEABLE! Life without a car is unimaginable. We ask ourselves how did<>we manage to live without the car for thousands of years.

With message and slogan of this years exhibition:
So our focus this year as well as a theme is going to be
With this theme we want to interest authors from around the world to warn public of a need to preserve nature. This is a fantastic opportunity for caricaturists from all around the world to “speak up” through their drawings and show advantages and disadvantages of their majesty – the Car.

Th e main sponsors for this year 4th International Zagreb Car Caricature Exhibition are the City Government. They will be presenting the Grand Prix prize. Croatian Automobile Club (HAK) – Zagreb Branch will be awarding the First Place Prize. .ere will be two more prizes (special acknowledgement) and 7 special recognitions. The other sponsors will be revealed on th e opening day.

This exhibition provides Zagreb and Croatia with an annual cultural and artistic show which is rapidly athracting international followers - with a theme instantly recognizable by all – cars in our daily work and life. Opening of 4th exhibition will take place in Zagreb in a lobby of City Government as a part of World Environment Day celebration.

Please send your caricatures and application forms (see a.achment) to the following address:

Huna d.o.o,
10000 Zagreb,Croatia

To be submitted by 23rd of April 2010.

We are looking forward to receiving your entry and meeting you at the exhibition. .ank you for your participation and cooperation. We hope your caricature will be selected for the exhibition and the catalogue! Ful l det a i l s , terms and condi t ions and appl i c at ion forms are ava i l able on the organi zer ’s web page www.huna.hr, and in co-operation with the Croatian Caricature Association, at www.hdk.hr.

Contact information:
Phone: 385(1)2430 302 , Fax: 385(1)2430 217, e-mail: info@huna.hr
Ivan Palatinuš (English, German, Spanish)
Kind regards
Ivica Palatinuš
For HUNA d.o.o.

The First Blue Sky International Cartoon Contest - Spain 2010

The First Blue Sky International Cartoon Contest - Spain 2010

A) Blue Sky
b) Free


1. The competition is open to professional cartoonists from all over the world.

2. The participants must be send their personal information, photo, and short biography with their cartoons.

3. ENTRIES: 4 cartoon.

4. The works should have been awarded in no other cartoon contest in world.

5. The digital file of the artwork should be in JPG format, in 1200 pixel size and with 200 dpi resolutions.

6. The cartoons should be sent to:
bluecartoon2010@yahoo.com or infoblueskycartoon@yahoo.com

7. Technique: black & white or colored, any style, any technique will be accepted.

8. The organizers hold all the rights to publish the cartoons submitted to the contest and use them for promotional purposes: cards, posters, catalogs, newspaper, magazine, and books, etc.

9. Deadline: May 1, 2010

10.Results: May 30, 2010

11.The Prizes:
Grand prize: 5000 euro
First Prize: 3000 euro
Second Prize: 1500 euro
Third Prize: 700 euro
Awards of Success: 300 euro

12. Jury members:
Dachuan Xia
Erdogan Karayel
Julian Pena Pai
Alessandro Gatto
Mohammad Ali Khalaji
Agim Sulaj
Anjel Boligan

Trasimeno Blues Cartoon Fest

Trasimeno Blues Cartoon Fest A Nicola Bucci "Bucnic" project
in collaboration with Trasimeno Blues Festival

"Trasimeno Blues Cartoon Fest"
International Competition of satirical design

1. Trasimeno Blues Festival, presents its second edition of "Trasimeno Blues Cartoon Fest" - International competition of satirical design dedicated to Blues

2. The theme of the competition: "Blues - The Blues Harp Harmonica" The artwork must be developed on a single table in the maximum size UNI A4 (cm. 21 x 29.7). Any kind of graphical technique will be accepted, including digital artworks if the prints are signed and if they are print number one.Participation is for free, open to artists of any nationality. The artwork must be original The artwork must not have been published in the past.

For minors require a permission of a parent or his representative. Each author may particip ate with one artwork. If sent more artworks the Guarantee Committee in its sole discretion, will choose the work that will participate in the contest.The works must be sent either by regular mail or by electronic mail.The artworks will not be refunded and will remain property of the Organizing Committee.

Entries must be sent together with the registration form in full, duly completed and signed no later than April 30th 2010 at:
by e-mail at: info@trasimenobluescartoonfest.com (.jpg - 300 dpi)
and by regular mail at:
"Trasimeno Blues Cartoon Fest " -
Gabbiano Jonathan -
Via G.Bellezza n°.4
06065 Passignano sul Trasimeno (PG) - Italia

3. The artworks must indicate on the back: name, surname and address of the author. The artworks will not be refunded. The artworks will be published on the official web sites of the competition.

4. A Guarantee Committee - composed of professionals and representatives of the cultural world will select the 30 most significant works and award the Prize " Trasimeno Blues Cartoon Fest" author most worthwhile. The Committee shall have the right to assign any awards and special mentions.
The 30 finalists will be published on www.trasimenobluescartoonfest.com .
The public on line will be able to cast their vote untill July 25th 2010.
It will be online audiences to declare the winner of the Special award "Trasimeno Blues Web Cartoon "

5. The artworks which make it to the final stage of the competition will be exhibited at "Palazzo della Corgna" - Città della Pieve from July 22nd to Agoust 1st

6. The winners will immediately be notified and invited as guests of Trasimeno Blues Festival, on August 1th to collect the prize.

7. Prizes:

Prize "Trasimeno Blues Cartoon Fest": prize will be a sum of 500 euros and the winning piece will be on front cover of the "Trasimeno Blues History" CD.

Special Prize:"Trasimeno Blues Web Cartoon": prize will be a sum of 250 euros.

In the event of a draw, the first prize will be divided between the winners.

8. Every artist must justify the content of their own artwork. The works that the Artistic Director receives could be chosen for publication, distribution and any type of use . Artworks will remain property of the organizing committee. All the competition participants understand and agree to the terms of the competition stated implicitly here, and accept, without any compensation, the exhibition of their artworks in or more shows in the art exhibition. They also agreed to its publication in books, posters, bookmarks, t-shirts or cute hats, calendars or agendas and on all the information services. It will be obligatory for the name of the artist and the country of origin and of the name of Trasimeno Blues Caroon Fest to be included in every publication.

8. The Trasimeno Blues Festival while remaining fully committed to the care and protection of the works exhibited , does not take any responsibility for any theft, damage or loss that might occur involving these works from the moment they arrive till the close of the exhibition.

9. Participation in the event which is completely free, implies total acceptance of these regulations. The Organising Committee has the right and the responsibility to give the final decision concerning controversial questions as well as on matters not explicitly provided for.

For further information:

Gabbiano Jonathan -
Via G.Bellezza n°.4
06065 Passignano sul Trasimeno (PG)
Tel/Fax: +39 075 828489
(mon/fry 10.00am-13.00am)

The 1st International Water Cartoon Contest 2010 - Iran

The 1st International Water Cartoon Contest 2010 - Iran

1.We address to all the professional and amateur cartoonists regardless their age from all over the world.
2.The Tehran province Water & Wastewater Company and Iranian house of cartoon invite you to participate in Water International Cartoonet (By email) contest-2010
3.Theme: Water / Best usage of Water
4.The number of sent cartoons is 5.
5.Please attach in .doc format a brief presentation of your artistic activity (surname and first name, address, e-mail address, a photo and your CV).
- First prize: 3000 US$, Trophy and Honorable Mention
- Second prize: 2000 US$ , Trophy and Honorable Mention
- Third prize: 1000 US$ , Trophy and Honorable Mention
- 3 Honorable Mentions.
7.The cartoons must be sent at the e-mail address: watercartoon@yahoo.com and they must be of 200 dpi resolution, 1500 Pixel (Horizontal or Vertical) and JPG format. (Please do not send Zip or rar Format!)
8.The cartoons will be published in the web page: http://www.irancartoon.com
9.All the artists who will enter the exhibition, will receive the catalogue of the contest.
10.Deadline: April 20, 2010
Thank you for participation
Tel: (+98 21) 22868600
Fax: (+98 21)22846928
Source: http://www.irancartoon.com/2010/contest/watercontest2010.htm

7th Cartoon Competition about "Dietetic Science"

7th Cartoon Competition about "Dietetic Science"

The Cartoon Competition about "Dietetic Science" is hold by China Animation & Cartoon Network and the "Dietetic Science" magazine. It has been supported by cartoonists all of the world for six years. In 2010, China owes its successful bid for the World Exposition, which calls a peace and healthy life for human being. Therefore the 7th Cartoon Competition about "Dietetic Science" focus its theme on "World Exposition, healthy life, & traditional medicine ". Cartoon Competition about "Dietetic Science" welcomes excellent works worldwide. Please pay attention to the latest news on our web: http://www.zhongman.com/world

- Organizer
China Animation & Comic Network (zhongman.com),
"Dietetic Science" magazine

Participants?All the people who are interested in cartoon could take part in this competition, with no restriction of age, district and gender. Format of work ?Original works that have never been published on any kind of media before (including the internet). Plagiarist will be disqualified. No restriction on form and style. Both single piece and multi grid are OK (better no more than 4 grids). Both black & white works or colored ones are both welcomed.
Work Number: no more than 5 for one participant
Size: Letter submissions: A4 (21*29.7cm) is better. Each of the works must carry an identification label, clearly filled in, including name, address, phone number, e-mail and a brief curriculum.
Digital submissions: resolution ratio: no less than 200dpi; the longest side: 1000pels; the quality of compression: 10 is the best.
Deadline: 2010.12.31
- Address:
The mail title should be: To the Cartoon Competition about "Dietetic Science".
In the letter (not on the work), clearly write: name, address, phone number, e-mail and a brief curriculum.

Cartoon Competition about "Dietetic Science"
WeiBohao 6-3-1101,
Weigongcun Street #1,
Haidian District, Beijing, China
Postcode: 100081
E-mail: yinshikexuetougao@163.com

First prize: one, 1200 RMB with certificate
Second prize: two, 600 RMB each with certificate.
Third prize: three, 100 RMB each with certificate.
Excellent works: twenty. certificate.

- Privileges of the entrants
All the submitting works will be exhibit on the competition homepage on China Animation & Comic Network www.zhongman.com)
Every month, the period better works will be published on "Dietetic Science" magazine.
Final judgment will be made by professional jury.
- Copyright Statements
All the submitting works will not be returned to their authors. The organization has the right to publish all the submitting work both on internet and on paper. The proprietary right of the collected works belongs to the organization, while the authors have the right to sign their names. The selecting committee has the right to interpret all the items above.

- Addition
We'd like to communicate with cartoonists all over the world, providing the opportunity to publish your works in Chinese media, discovering and propagandizing the rising stars in the cartoon field and making friends with cartoon fans. We wish all of those who care about cartoon industry worldwide could join us for the great days of cartoon field.
If you need more details please contact: zhongman@zhongman.com

Cartoon Competition about "Dietetic Science" Committee

4th China Guangxi City College International Cartoon Contest 2010

4th China Guangxi City College International Cartoon Contest 2010

1) Theme:Future- Outer Space- Technology
2)Host & Sponsor:
Host: Guangxi City College
Sponsor: FreeCartoonsWeb (www.fcwfcw.com)
3) Deadline: September 28th, 2010 (The arrival of the works)
4) Entries:
-Size: min A3(297mm×420mm).
- Quantity: Unlimited.
- Works must be the hand drawing original by cartoonists, the ways of representation are free. Pictures with color or black & white are both allowed, it would be better if the works are good for exhibition. Computer working pictures are not accepted in this contest.
-Works must be drawn independently.
- Please sign the themes, author’s names, address& postal code, E-mail address at the back of the pictures.
5) Mail to:
Li Lin
2010 Guangxi City College International Cartoon Contest Committee,
NO.339 Fusui Street, Fusui C ounty,
Guangxi Province, 532100,
-Please mail the original works, recommend to use the big envelope. Do not pucker the pictures! Any production which is broken during mailing would not participate in the exhibition.
-Please fill in the Entry-Form, mail together with the works.
6) Jury & Adviser & Secretariat:
President of Judgment Committee: Huang Qigong (China)
Members: Xia Dachuan (China), Massoud Shojai Tabatabai(Iran), Yuriy Kosobukin(Ukraine), Rudy Gheysens (Belgium)
Adviser: Xu Pengfei
Secretary General: Huang Qigong
Vice Secretary General: Jiang Lidong, Zhang Wei
7) Choosing and Presenting works:
The contest organization committee will invite the domestic and foreign renowned cartoonists to form the appraisal committee, who will discuss and elect the excellent works, simultaneously, they will host the corresponding evaluation work on the line too. After the election had ended, we will invite the cartoonists who got the prizes and the appraisal committee to come to the Guangxi City College or the Guangxi Museum to attend the contest presentation ceremony, please pay attention to the announcement of media by the organization committee.
8) Copyrights:
Guangxi City College has the following rights to the participative works:
- The works will be displayed permanently on the website of Guangxi City College;
- The works can be collected ,published, and displayed or auctioned in public;
- The works can be published in other media and publications;
- The organization unit can authorize others’ legitimate applications.
- All participative authors regarded as tacitly approve this contest rule.
9) Awards:
Gold Medal (1 person): RMB18800 Yuan+Certificate+Album
Silver Medal (2 persons): RMB 8800 Yuan+Certificate+Album
Copper Medal (4 persons): RMB 3800 Yuan+Certificate+Album
Best Network Human Spirit Prize (1 person): RMB 6800 Yuan +Certificate+Album
Excellent Prize (20 persons): Certificate+Album
Being Selected (200 persons): Certificate+Album
10) Contact:
Guangxi City College website: www.gxccedu.com
Contest organization committee official website: www.gxccfy.com/cartoon
Organization committee office email: cygjmh2007@163.com

Contest organization committee address:
Guangxi City College International Cartoon Contest Organization Committee,
NO.339 Fusui Street, Fusui, 532100, Guangxi, China (apart from Nanning

Festival Satirical Bucovina - 2010 The International Exhibition of Satirical Graphic

Festival Satirical Bucovina - 2010 The International Exhibition of Satirical Graphic Organizers:
Bucovina Museum Complex from Suceava

The Country Council from Suceava
The Bucovina Museum Complex from Suceava invites you to participate to the International Exhibition of Satirical Graphic Monitorul de Suceava, the 4 rd Edition, 2010. The Monitorul de Suceava is important newspaper from Suceava city www.monitorulsv.ro .
The International Exhibition of Satirical Graphic has as theme: "Journalist in 2010"
We address to all the professional and amateurs cartoonists regardless their age from all over the world.
The number of sent cartoons is maximum five.
Please attach in .DOC format a brief presentation of your artistic activity (sur name and first name, exact address, e-mail address, a photo and your CV)
The exhibition prizes is:
- Prize Monitorul de Suceava = 500€ + diploma + gold medal
- Three mentions = diploma + medal
The cartoons must be sent at the e-mail address: contact@artboa.ro and they must be of 300 dpi minimum resolution, A4 format, realized in any technique: black and white or colour,
or the cartoons must be sent at the address:

Complexul Muzeal Bucovina Suceava,
Str. Stefan cel Mare, no.: 33,
Suceava, cod: 720003, Romania

All the events of the exhibition will be published in the web page of the Monitorul de Suceava www.monitorulsv.ro. Newspaper Monitorul de Suceava reserves the right to publish works in advertising purposes. All the artists who will enter the saloon will receive the virtual catalogue of the exhibition If you want to participate at this event, please send your cartoons until 15th of September 2010.
The exhibition will be opened for the public in november 2010.
The sent cartoons can be bought by the public, that is why please note the price for each original work in order to receive the equivalent of the cartoon.
Members of Jury:
Mihai Panzaru Pim - cartoonist
George Licurici - cartoonist
Ovidiu Ambrozie Borta BOA- cartoonist
Complex Museum Bucovina Suceava- Romania
Director Constantin-Emil URSU

10th International Editorial Cartoon Competition

10th International Editorial Cartoon Competition The Canadian Committee for World Press Freedom 10th International Editorial Cartoon Competition

1. The theme for the 10th International Editorial Cartoon Competition is: The " right " not to be offended is not a right.

In Canada, Mark Steyn is brought before three different Human Rights Tribunals for allegedly "insulting Islam".
Meanwhile at the United Nation's Human Rights Commission, Arab states have for years attempted to make that a crime.
What started out with a fatwa against Salman Rushdie for insulting Mohamed and was dismissed by many as an isolated incident, culminated years later with the assassination of Theo Van Gogh in the streets of Amsterdam for the same offense.
In Denmark, cartoonists still fear for their life for having drawn Mohamed in newspaper Jyllands-Posten. Meanwhile in Ireland, blasphemy is now a criminal offence.
How can we encourage vigorous debate while being respectful of religious sensibilities?

2. Prizes: three prizes will be given: a first prize of $1500, a crystal trophy, plus a Certificate from Canadian UNESCO, a second prize of $750 plus a certificate, and a third of $500 and certificate. All sums are in Canadian dollars. Ten additional cartoons will receive an 'Award of Excellence.' Regrettably no financial remuneration accompanies the Awards of Excellence.

3. Only one cartoon will be accepted from each cartoonist. It may be either in color or black & white and must not have previously won an award.

4. The size of the cartoon should not exceed A4; 21 by 29.2 cm; or 8.50 by 11 inches.

5. The cartoonist's name, address and telephone number must be included in the e-mail to which the cartoon is attached. A short biography of the Cartoonist should also be provide d.

6. The Canadian Committee for World Press Freedom shall have the rights to use any of the cartoons entered in the Competition for promotion of our World Press Freedom Day Luncheon on May 3. Entrance by the cartoonist in this Cartoon competition is deemed acceptance of this condition.

7. The winners of the Cartoon Competition will be announced at the World Press Freedom Day Luncheon held at the National Arts Centre in Ottawa, Canada on Tuesday, May 3rd, 2010 and will be advised by e-mail.
The winning names and their cartoons will be posted on the CCWFP web site: http://www.ccwpf-cclpm.ca/

8. The best 30 cartoons will be exhibited at the Luncheon.

The deadline for reception of cartoon is 5 p.m. Tuesday, April 20th, 2010.

Send submission by e-mail to: info@ccwpf-cclpm.ca

The cartoon should be in jpg format at 300 dpi

1er salon internacional de humor gráfico Tadeo Lozano

1er salon internacional de humor gráfico Tadeo Lozano Reglamento

El primer salón internacional de humor gráfico Universidad Jorge Tadeo Lozano, quiere premiar la creatividad y el humor en torno al tema mujer y poder. Y todo lo que humorísticamente inspire a los autores el tema MUJER ERES.
El año 2010 ha sido proclamado por la OEA, como el año Interamericano de las mujeres.

*Participantes: La convocatoria está abierta a todos los artistas del mundo, profesionales o aficionados mayores de 18 años.

* Cada participante podrá enviar una sola obra.

*Las obras no pueden haber sido premiadas en otros concursos, ni estar concursando en otros eventos.

*Técnica: Cualquier técnica será aceptada (digital o manual. A color o en b/n).

* Tamaño: La obra no podrá ser mayor 21 cm x 29 cm o en tamaño proporcional, con resolución no será menor de 300 dpi.

La convocatoria queda abierta a partir del día 8 de Marzo del 2010 y se cierra el día 8 de Junio del 2010. Los resultados se darán a conocer en el mes de Agosto con la exposición en la Universidad Jorge Tadeo Lozano

* Envío de obras: La obra debe ser enviada al mail: humortadeo@yahoo.es
con los siguientes datos del autor:
-Documento de identidad.
-Breve hoja de vida (currículo)
-Foto o auto caricatura
-Título de la obra
-Nombre completo, teléfono, dirección, nacionalidad, pseudónimo.

*Exposición: Las obras seleccionadas serán expuestas en la sede de la Universidad Jorge Tadeo Lozano de Bogotá en el mes de agosto del 2010.
Y también en el blog: http://saloninternacionaltadeolozano.blogspot.com/ creado para este fin.
Los ganadores se darán a conocer en el mes de Agosto de 2010

*La organización se reserva el derecho de retirar del concurso los trabajos que resulten ofensivos.


1-Primer puesto: Un viaje con todos los gastos pagados a Alcalá de Henares- España, para participar en el encuentro iberoamericano de humoristas gráficos de la Fundación General de la Universidad de Alcalá de Henares y diploma
2-Segundo puesto: Curso de caricatura en la Escuela Nacional de caricatura de Bogotá y diploma.

3-Tercer puesto: Diploma y libros
Nota: En ningún caso se abonarán los premios en efectivo, los premios no podrán ser declarados desiertos.

Christian Schrader Valencia: Decano de la Facultad de Publicidad de la Universidad Jorge Tadeo Lozano
"Nani Mosquera": caricaturista autora de la tira cómica Magola
"Vladdo": Caricaturista colombiano
Alberto Martínez: "Betto" caricaturista colombiano
Gustavo Bolívar: Escritor y guionista



SKOPJE 2010 R. Macedonia

The World Gallery of Cartoons is organized by OSTEN - Magazine for Humor and Satire
The received cartoons will be judged by international jury.
The opening ceremony and award announcement will be held on 16th September 2010 in Skopje.

Subject of 38. WGC: "My theme/subject"
- Only original cartoons will be accepted in the competition.
- It is allowed for one author to send maximum three (3) cartoons. On the back side of the cartoons please write the name and surname of the cartoonist and the title of the cartoon.
- Size of cartoons: A4 and A3 on paper.
-The organizers will not be responsible for any damage that may occur during postage and handling.
- The organizer of WGC will keep the cartoons as part of collection of museum of WGC.
- By filling out the participation form, the participant declares and accepts in advance that (s)he hands over the financial/copy rights (s)he holds over the cartoons to WGC for printing/publishing by WGC and "Osten" without limitations on location or time period. The author agrees that the organizer of WGC can use the carto ons, exhibit them, keep them in its archives and publish them on the internet or through other media.
- The participation form and coupons are available for photocopying and you can pass them to your friends and colleagues who would like to participate in WGC.
- The catalogue of 38. WGC will be distributed for free to all participants who's cartoons will be published in the same catalogue.
- WGC will cover the travel and accommodation expenses for following prize-winning cartoonists for the award ceremony in Republic of Macedonia:
Grand Prix, three prizes ans special prize for drawing. Those laureates will be honored with printing a special map during their stay in Skopje.
- Participants are expected to send the filled participation form, with short curriculum vitae and photograph, all together with their cartoons.

The documents should be sent to address:
OSTEN World Gallery of Cartoons
"8 Udarna brigada" No. 2,
1000 Skopj e, Republic of Macedonia

Mail: osten@t-home.mk
Website: www.osten.com.mk

- Deadline for entries: May 30, 2010

- Grand Prix for Life Achievement: 5.000 $
- First prize for cartoon: 1.000 $
- First prize for strip: 1.000 $
- First prize for satiric drawing: 1.000 $
The organizer will also announce ten (10) Special prizes.